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Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

Hi Forum owners.


Just thought I would make a suggestion. As someone who can only really access the Sane forums at work it would be great if there was a way to hide the MH references on the site (like how some site's had a dark mode).


Just things like making the Sane logo smaller and hiding the "For urgent assistance" sidebar menu, as well as making headings smaller.


Just a suggestion, many thanks!


Re: Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

HI @Jlol

Thanks for you post and your suggestion. It is good to get feedback on the Forums so that we can better understand the needs of our members and how we may improve. I will share your suggestions and thoughts with the team.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your insights.

Warm regards,


Re: Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

Hi @Jlol 


Thank you for your feedback. It's great to get feedback from our users.


Take care


Re: Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

cool idea, ill add this to the list of things we want to understand in terms of what is possible from a tech and design perspective. Certainly interested in what options might be valuable to members and what is technically possible from a personalisation and customisation perspective in the upcoming codesign review.

Re: Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

Hi @Jlol 


I just wanted to reach out to say that I think that this is a really great idea - thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us 💜


Listening to your suggestion reminded me about another feature that I’ve seen on some other websites and as such, I’ve just shared a little bit about this in a separate post below 😊


Take care,


ShiningStar 💜

Re: Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

Hi everyone 💜


As I listened to Jlol’s suggestions, it reminded me about the ‘quick exit’ feature that I’ve seen on a few different websites 💜


Although this icon predominately appears on websites where there are risks to people’s safety when they access certain sites (for example domestic and family violence websites) there are members of our community who are impacted by these issues and / or who may be living in situations where they feel unsafe for a variety of different reasons 💜


As such, I just wondered if it would be possible to include a ‘quick exit’ icon on SANE’s tool bar, or in another prominent place on the website?


That way members of our community who need to exit the forums quickly (due to concerns for their safety and / or privacy) can just click on the icon which will automatically direct them to another website and / or page 💜


Thank you so much for reading and I forward to hearing if this is something that may be possible 😊


Take care,


ShiningStar 💜

Re: Suggestion: "work mode" to hide MH references

I'm a web developer by trade and am thinking of actually making a Chrome extension for this