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SANE Forums are a safe place to share your experience of living with complex mental health issues. Our Lived Experience Forum helps you connect to people like you. You can read stories, reply to discussions or start your own. Click on one of the topic buttons to get started.

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Macqua - profile picture
Sober & sober-curious

I haven’t been able to find a whole lot in the forums regarding sobriety. It’s probably my biggest issue at the moment and would love to know some things like gratit ... Read more

Mum1923 - profile picture
Help needed.

I have complex ptsd due to domestic violence,  I lost everything back then including myself..  I honestly wasn't ready or wanting a relationship  when I le ... Read more

john74 - profile picture
Long term unemployment

Hi l  am feeling particularly down and worthless because l am  struggling to find work. I haven't worked since mid 2021 and have applied for 100 or so positions ... Read more

RabbitFeb - profile picture
Inner Monologues

 My inner monologue (voice in my head) talks all day. It's always been this way for as long as l can remember. Unfortunately since my BPD/CPTSD diagnosis about 2 yea ... Read more

Eden1919 - profile picture
treatment orders

has anyone been on a treatment order for a while mine is about to expire and they are applying for another one and i dont know how i am supposed to feel about this part o ... Read more

Mlw - profile picture
How do you keep going when I just want to give in

Hi,How do you find hope qnd purpose to keep going when you feel so defeated.  Its like I'm constantly stuck in my thoughts, and alone. I can't find words to exp ... Read more

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