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Senior Contributor

Latest poem

@TAB @greenpea @Meowmy @SmilingGecko @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Glisten  and everyone else that wanders by (no deliberate exclusions!)

@Sophia1  (almost forgot!)


A new thread since the old one is quite old


So, the poem:

(As usual, I hope it connects with someone)



What is that which makes me afraid?

Is the unknown so very dire?

My progress has been much delayed

By the absence of desire


Sure, I wish, I want, I hope, I dream

But alas I lack direction

Stranded in a stagnant stream

Apathy is poor protection


I cannot control the trepidation

That arrives afresh with each new day

And endless, futile rumination

Does nothing to keep the dread at bay


Night falls up with a warm embrace

Tomorrow starts its siren song

Perhaps sound sleep will help erase

My long-held faith in being wrong?


Hope becomes imperative

Motivation inches near

Not all loss is negative

I bid a fond farewell to my fear



Senior Contributor

Re: Latest poem

@StuF fantastic poem. Love it

Re: Latest poem

Thanks heaps @Meowmy  🙂

Re: Latest poem

@StuF  Wonderful poem. Change is something I thrive on.

When I’m not having a trauma response. It’ll get better. G

Re: Latest poem

Thanks @Glisten  🙂

Re: Latest poem

love the poem @StuF 😍

Re: Latest poem

Thanks @Shaz51 !

Re: Latest poem

@good riddance to fear… ahah!


think I’ve lost it sometimes…. Then it starts a lurking again….


turned to some old books on Buddhism….it all helps 


keep writing 

Re: Latest poem

Thanks @Appleblossom 


Yeah it (fear) is a slippery bugger!