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Re: I can’t cope

In the last 12 days we have had 2 days without a storm. It’s been wild! @Jynx @tyme It looks like another one is coming over. 

Oh and Oportos burger sounds fine @tyme. I love them but there isn’t one here 😢 I haven’t worked out what the contributing factors are either. 


Tonight is the last shift for this block so I’m looking forward to 7 am tomorrow! Get this block out of the way and forget about it. 

My kitchen is a mess @Jynx so it’s ok if you don’t do the dishes tonight! 😜 

Re: I can’t cope

Nah, I realised I didn't like the orportos burgers - not what i was expecting. I dont' have an orportos in my area back in Melb, so when I saw it yesterday, I decided to have that @Captain24 


I've been lazing around so much lately so that I have a sore back. I ended up going on the treadmill in hope to 'exercise' the pain out - and yes, it worked 🙂 Let's just say I felt very stiff from not doing much at my parents' place.


Messy kitchen? The only thing that makes me keep kitchens clean is the possibility of ants... i dislike ants!


Have a safe shift tonight @Captain24 , take care.

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 ahahaha awww yessss off the hook!! 


omg you're so close!! You got this!! Then it's weekend time, heck yeah!! 😎💜