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Re: Time away from forums

@RiverSeal sometimes small things make a difference as they provide a good distraction. It’s still hard to shake these intrusive thoughts because they always come back

Re: Time away from forums

Yeah, that's the hard thing with intrusive thoughts @creative_writer, they just come back. It is possible to overcome them and reduce the frequency and impact over time. Do your intrusive thoughts have a particular theme that you can identify?


One thing I learned was to practice "positive rumination"! Deliberately thing about something, over and over again that was positive in your day or happened recently. It's like holding up a protective shield and you can train you brain to think positively. What do you think about maybe giving that a go?




Re: Time away from forums

@RiverSeal I’ve had thoughts about what has happened to me and shame associated with it. Tuesday was a bad day. Since then things have been a bit off even though I was able to get the suicidality under control.

I haven’t heard of positive rumination before, may give it a go

Re: Time away from forums

I feel like I want someone to be there with me and know that I’m hurting. But there isn’t anything I feel the need to say. So the question is, how do I get rid and suppress this need? I’ve done it before, but it’s not working this time. I don’t want to depend on others and be needy

Re: Time away from forums

I got through uni today but not without intrusive thoughts. I worked from home today, wouldn’t have been wise to do otherwise, I have the sniffles

Re: Time away from forums

oh dear @creative_writer I hope you are not coming down with something and won't get any worse. There is so much going around at the moment.


Re: Time away from forums

Good on you for getting through the day today despite those intrusive thoughts @creative_writer  . Having both work and uni on the same day is a lot even on a good day. 


Hope you're able to take some time tonight to do something for you, especially if you're feeling a bit under the weather 

Re: Time away from forums

Ach no not you too @creative_writer everyone is getting sick! I hope it's not been too hectic a day with the intrusive thoughts. They can make everything else that much harder hey. 


Also just reading your earlier post. Suppressing our need for others will only work for so long, and likely result in even worse emotional turmoil later. But I do understand the difficulty when one has a need but no way to meet it, it would make sense to want to suppress the need. Perhaps it could be more effective to acknowledge and nurture this part of you that is hurting? IDK food for thought. 


Hope the evening has been kind to you 💜

Re: Time away from forums

@Snowie I think I have come down with a cold, at least not as bad as last time. I hope you are doing okay this evening 💖

@Ru-bee I was on placement, it was the typical 9-5 kind of thing. I’ve got hours to complete in order to graduate from my course. It was tiring, especially when you’re on learning mode. My supervisor said we underestimate how exhausting learning is. I think it hits harder when your body is fighting an infection. But luckily it’s mild.

@Jynx I think I’ve somewhat been able to move through them to some extent compared to this weekend, still not great. But maybe viral brain has been contributing to low mood. This weekend was awful, but I think I started developing symptoms over the weekend. I’m actually confused about how much of this is my own history, and how much of is this coming across a person who was not the person who you would want to talk to, the stuff he has down makes me want to vomit

Re: Time away from forums

@creative_writer sorry to hear the weekend was so challenging, but yeah your body having to send a whole bunch of resources to fight off a vrius is bound to leave you feeling depleted and less capable of managing everything. 


Sorry can I just clarify that last part? Who is this 'he'? Did I miss something?