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Care homes for Schizophrenics

We need somewhere to send my brother in Perth, he's already been in and out of the mental ward but won't accept his diagnosis, is an adult, and refuses to take any antipsychotics so keeps going through the loop of dropping into an episode, being commited, being sedated for a few days there and then sent home with no continued support of any kind, complaints against the hospital are in process, but don't really help with things now. My mother who cares for him is at the end of her rope and been prescribed anti-anxiety and sleeping pills that she cannot take because they knock her out too much for her to be able to keep her eye on him the 21 hours out of the day that he is up. All of these websites seem to go around in circles and the only tangible help they seem to offer is carer counciling, the only care homes I can seem to find are for the mentally disabled or the aged, so where do we send him to be cared for on a long term basis in WA?


Re: Care homes for Schizophrenics

Hello and welcome @WhereCanWeGo 

I will ask the @Former-Member , @greenpea@Schitzo  if they have some suggestions for you 

how are you an your mum going xxx

has your brother have a health care team that may help your mum xx

Re: Care homes for Schizophrenics

@WhereCanWeGo  Hi WhereCanWeGo and thank you @Shaz51  for tagging me here. Your brother has every right not to take his medication (if he is over 18 it makes him an adult) as long as he is not a risk to himself or others. There are places available in NSW for those with a long term mental illness like schizophrenia but these are like hens teeth. Nothing can be done without your brother's co-operation though .... if he doesnt want help he cannot be forced as I say unless he is a danger to himself or others. Sad but true. greenpea

Re: Care homes for Schizophrenics


My first time here too. WElcome.


Have you looked up 'Nest' , Wesley mission etc who provide accom? Nest seems to be everywhere. Let us know please if you find a solution. NDIS would need to approve of course. But take a look. Supported independent living comes in various packages depending on needs I believe. I am learning as I go, its been a rollercoaster on my own and having suffered trauma mysef after observing two suicide attempts etc. He is more stable now but one day at a time. 

I am seeing a social worker with my son. Having just got a referral via GP to kick start it all . First session just me by phone for an hr as he refused to see her. Its costing around $90 out of pocket today but worth it for me for mental anguish!! I am going to say would you like to speak to a support worker. Then dangle the carrot of NDIS ( he is not too happy going on that as he takes pride in working but Ihe does now realise he needs a place to live and I  need to know he will be ok in future more with life skills and meds etc than income, if I am not around. Also at times he cant work so back up income if he needs it should be there for him). 

There are Schizophrenia Carer Meet Up groups I have seen online. Maybe also yr mum could enroll in some group sessions put on by private MH clinics, for education and support, if they do that for carers. I know my local one did. She needs a break every now and then even if its ony for a few hrs, so respite care of some sort. 


Only other way to link up is to do it when they are in hospital involuntarily I think and when you say they have nowhere suitable to go. Thy then keep the person in and find accomodation for them. 

I am tryig to do it away from the hospital first. See if it will work. 


Re: Care homes for Schizophrenics

@Mummamia1 Thank you, I'll look into those services. Trying to get the hospital to offer anything is like squeezing blood from a stone, but maybe if I promt my mother to refuse to accept care for him next time they'll have to pull their finger out and get him into an independant living program, I know there was one called Step Up/Step Down we were looking into last time that sounded pretty good, I'll check out Nest as well, Cheers.