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New member struggeling

Hi, thanks for the welcome. I'm glad to have somewhere to read and talk because I am struggling at the moment. 

Last night my 18yr old son and a melt down ( bit the first), triggered thus time  by an argument with his girlfriend (who is 15 and lives in another state) They communicate by text and facetime only. He doesn't like that she is with her friends smoking weed and asked her to stop. I explained he cannot control her choices and that he need to worry about himself. He threatens to self harm and has mentioned suicide, but has not made any serious attempts. Last night he punched his punching bag so hard it split and bruised his finger. He lost all energy and fell to the ground sobbing. Was even talking a little strangely. He is beating himself up for being a bad person and has very very low self esteem, anxiety & depression. I believe he has a severe addiction to social media and his phone. He will NOT give me his phone. Last night he gave up his phone and slept for 7hrs straight. But took his phone back this morning. Will not leave it out of site. He is not medicated. He has had 2 sessions with a psychologist, next is in 2 weeks. He tells me he doesn't tell her the truth.
I was very close to calling an ambulance or the CATT team last night. Im beating myself up that I didn't. I just keep thinking about how far the ramifications are....missing school (he has just started a diploma at uni), missing basketball (he coaches and plays) and missing work) it's all too hard! I'd like to see how he would be if medicated, as I have some for myself, but can't get to GP for 3 days.
I'm just really at a loss how to help him. It is so stressful whilst I'm trying to keep the rest of the family relatively undisturbed. I feel exhausted.


Re: New member struggeling

I hear your pain

Re: New member struggeling

Me too @SparkelJo Went through issues with a wonky husband, trying to keep things okay for the kids ..... it's hard.


Welcome to the forums @SparkelJo @Gollygosh 👋