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Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety

This is my first time on the forum. I apologise if this is a bit 'wordy' but the situation is complex.

I have 3adult offspring 2 of whom live with severe mental illness. My daughter has a diagnosis of schizophrenia & schizoaffective disorder and lives with her partner. Atm she is relatively stable, with many supports provided by her NDIS package & an excellent psychiatrist. My role rightnow is ongoing regular contact & lots of love. Pretty straightforward really.

My son on the other hand has a diagnosis of bipolar2, schizoaffectivedisorder, ADHD, severe anxiety disorder, PTSD& ? on the autism spectrum .....a complex intertwined and treatment-resistant situation.  He has lived with my husband & myself for 18months & would otherwise be homeless. We see his psychiatrist, who is extremely supportive, very regularly, sometimes weekly. My husband and I are supportive and caring meaning my son expresses that he feels safe & supported with us. He has improved from spending 23/24 hours in bed for most of 2019 to now getting up, attending the gym & doing some limited socialising.Nevertheless his anxiety means daily debilitating panic attacks. Going to the gym or the shops is painful but he pushes himself to do this. He is on a huge amount of medications which scarcely touch the side. Meditation, CBT,DBT, counselling have not proved helpful. Needless to say, he is unable to work. In the past there have been many serious suicide attempts as he struggles to control the hell he lives in.

My question.....what have others found helpful in the management of severe anxiety & depression in those that they love. Does anyone know of any research projects or treatment programs that are having good results? I feel I've turned over every stone I can think of but also feel that there must be something out there that I've missed.

He has private medical insurance.

Thank you for reading this.


Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety

Hi. I feel for you. Have they ever thought your son may actually have what's called Agitated Depression? 

My husband was eventually diagnosed with this after adequate treatment for his severe depression resolved all his anxiety symptoms. Unfortunately he is now suffering again after 12 years of stability.

It is a very complex and severe form of depression. Just a thought...Hugs

Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety

Thank you for your reply Zoe87. It is very helpful.

Do you recall what combo of medication worked for your husband & are you able to share that with me? My son has been on every antidepressant & is on 3 different ones atm. The combo is pretty important as is the timing.

I do hope that your husband improves quickly. Wishing you well. 

Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety

Hi. I am unable to name the medication my Husband was on. It is no longer available anyhow,  which is what caused his current relapse. He is resistant to many of the newer drugs, but hopefully they will find something, in combination with ECT.  

I hope your son is able to find peace soon. It can be a long and painful took 3 years to stabilize my Husband the first time. Hugs. X

Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety


Welcome to the forum.  I really feel for you and remember to look after you too.There is no need to apologise - we are here to give support. You sound like a very caring person. Reading through your post- I was concerned about your son. I can see you are searching for answers for him. You could try getting another opinion. There is a treatment facilty in Sydney that is very good- South Pacific Private. I went there myself and it is very good. It offers treatments that other places don't offer. I went there with severe depression and it really put me on the path to recovery. What really helped me - was the structure of the program and being super busy. And also taking action was the key for me. 


Perhaps talking might help to get to the underlying problem- his triggers? Does he get worse when he feels emotionally unsafe etc? I  sometimes think medication can make people worse and not suggesting he goes off medication but I have read stories of people improving when they were on limited or no medication. But I have read people doing really well with medication. I think its super important to keep an open mind. Because some people taking medication to help sleep- it can make the depression worse.  I hope this helps a little. Always be guided by health professionals and if you're not happy get another opionion. 

Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety

Thank you so much for your helpful advice. I am very grateful.

My son's psychiatrist has temporarily upped his antipsychotic with good effect for now.

I am noting the hospital you mentioned & will look it up. He has been in a number of other private hospitals and I can't say that I've been impressed.

So happy to have this forum where I can quickly and anonomously receive some advice. 

Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety

Hello @Smudge@oceangirl@Zoe87 Heart

@Smudgehow are you going today and how is your son Heart

Re: Treatment-resistant depression & anxiety


Hi my sister @Shaz51 Smiley Happy