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Casual Contributor

Meth induced psychosis


My 23yr old daughter is currently in an acute psychiatric ward due to meth induced psychosis. She was admitted May 17th. She also has been previously diagnosed with BPD. 

We need to decide what happens once she leaves the hospital, whether she comes to live with us or not. Weighing everything up I am leaning towards not but this is tearing me up inside. I feel much guilt. Any advice would be very helpful from any with lived experience. 


Re: Meth induced psychosis

Hey @DisEase 


That sounds like a difficult situation. My parents asked me to leave home when I was about 19 because I was unwell and it wasn't working for the household. I won't say it wasn't difficult at the time but I also enjoyed my independence and I built a life outside of my parent's home. Personally, I didn't have a job at the time and I was going to be homeless so I applied and was granted access to the priority wait list for the housing department. 


I would also say to you that self care is so very important. Maintaining your own sense of self during this time will lead to you being a better support for her. Good on you for coming to the forums for support.

Re: Meth induced psychosis

Thank you, Ainjoule


Re: Meth induced psychosis

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Re: Meth induced psychosis

Hello @DisEase 

It's a difficult situation for you all, and a difficult decision.

As someone with lived experience I'd suggest the most important thing is to consult your daughter and involve her in the decision-making.  Many years ago at 26 I lost my autonomy when my parents packed up and closed my flat after my first major psychotic break. It took a while to get back on my feet.

Your daughter may well prefer to remain independent and that may assuage your guilt. Or she may express the need for some support that you can negotiate. 


Her financial situation and accommodation options, and availability of other partner, family and friendship supports will also factor into what is possible. But it's not a decision set in stone. Her needs and preferences - and yours - will no doubt evolve in the weeks and months ahead, especially as her treatment and prognosis settle.


You'll need to assert your own needs and perhaps those of her younger siblings. 


I trust it's a conversation that's possible for you all. If it's likely to be difficult perhaps someone on your daughter's MH team can help facilitate it.


Good luck and best wishes. 


Re: Meth induced psychosis

Hey @DisEase ,


How are you going? How are things going with you daughter? It's been a while since we last connected. 


Hope you are okay.