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Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 woohoo!! You're home! How lush, how bespoke, how DIVINE!! And covered in pupper cuddles, as it should be!! Happy for you darlin 😊


Yeah can do, I will have a think. Hmm... Makes me wonder if it could be a good activity for a thread? Like, swapping tips for safety planning or something, could be super helpful!!


Ach those sunrise pics are gorgeous!! Naww you're a good friend 😊



Re: I can’t cope

I’m so happy @Jynx. So are my babies. Jett has grown a lot in 5 1/2 weeks. 

My house is spotless and the yard has been mowed and whipper snippered. 

I think that’s a great idea for a thread. It would be helpful for other ideas and it would help members that are new to safety planning. 

I get to sleep in my own bed. Not a plastic mattress and no one coming in to check on me and forgetting to shut the door after! Like at 3 am this morning when I woke up to people talking. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 oh true!! Filled out into his adult dogness eh? Haha


Yaaaay! Ach, nothing quite like the comforts of home! I am over the moon for you deary 💜

Re: I can’t cope

He is taller and longer but he is still really skinny! @Jynx 


It was a long five weeks. I did a lot of work. I am exhausted. It’s going to be hard work to maintain it and to improve.


Anyway.. how’s life? 

Re: I can’t cope

Just wondering when the email notifications will be fixed @Jynx @tyme 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 !


A BIG welcome home! 


Home sweet home! I'm just reading back on some of your posts, and I'm so happy for you. You get to see your babies!


Notifications? Are they not working again? Mine are working tonight. I'm getting emails and the notification symbol. Are you not?


I gotta show you photos later.

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @tyme. So good to be home. 

My email notifications haven’t been working at all for weeks. I get the notifications symbol just no emails. I get a couple occasionally. But the 8 I got today were from the last 2 days. 

Looking forward to pics!


Re: I can’t cope

I wonder if that is happening with anyone else? @Shaz51 , maybe you can tell me? That is, are you email notifications working?

Re: I can’t cope

btw, isn't Jett fully grown already?? @Captain24 


I'm SOOOO glad the person looked after your house properly. That's amazing!



Re: I can’t cope








Ruby Rose had her first much-needed full groom.


She got desexed about 2 weeks ago, so she couldn't be bathed and groomed.. So when she was finally groomed, she looked like a different dog!


It's SOOOO hard to get photos of her because she's never still. Always bounding around. @Captain24