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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @ArraDreaming.


I appreciate your apology. 

You have hurt me and you have made me not want to respond to you for fear of getting hurt further. 

I am also scared that if I say the wrong thing you will get angry and start one of your rants. I can’t cope with one of those directed at me.

Am I ready to communicate with you? No, not yet and that’s me being honest.

I do see you around and I do appreciate the effort you are making with other members. Also the joy in you when you are talking about your family and culture. You do have a good heart.

When I am ready I will come to you. Just not now. I am sorry for that though. 

Re: I can’t cope

Got it mate.

What rants, can you tell me what you mean if you can @Captain24

Re: I can’t cope

When you tell people to ‘just shut up’ and go from there with ‘stupid’ ‘don’t give a f’’ ‘everyone can get f’d’ that kinda thing. @ArraDreaming 


I don’t mean to upset you I am just being honest with the way I feel. It’s as much about me and how I take it as about you saying. I hope that makes sense. 

Re: I can’t cope

It does, thank you @Captain24

Re: I can’t cope

Please take on board the good stuff as well @ArraDreaming. You do have a lot of good points. Focus on those. 

Re: I can’t cope

You too @Captain24 you are so valued here

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 , just popping in to wish you well...


I'm still sick in bed, day 8, plus bad asthma.


Hope today is good for you. 

Re: I can’t cope

Oh thats not good @NatureLover. Do you have the flu? That usually knocks people around for a while. We have had a few off here with it. 

I do hope you feel better soon. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 

Hope today goes ok for you hon

Are you working at all this weekend?

Re: I can’t cope

No, it's a bad cold and cough. But I've just booked another GP appt for tomorrow. Thanks @Captain24 


I hope your work goes well today (I gather you're working this weekend?)

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