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Re: Lower than the rock bottom

@Powderfinger wrote:

The fog is slowly lifting and it's frightening. It's like coming out if this cocoon and everything around you is still the same and you are not. 

I agree that a nervous breakdown changes you. I think it's good that you'll be seeing your therapist weekly, as it sounds like you have a lot to process. 


Thank you for your heartfelt words. Part of my reason for trying to be there for people is that I recognise how fortunate I am that I came out the other side of my nervous means I want to try to give back a bit. So it's my pleasure to try my best to listen and support you., just as a peer. 


Yes, my day has been pretty good, thanks 🙂 

I hope the frightening feeling eases for you soon, @Powderfinger .

Re: Lower than the rock bottom



Weekly is definitely needed right now. The fog is lifting slowly, I'm very distressed. I'm titillating in my moods. Sometimes deep despair and hopelessness. Pain beyond my capacity cope. Too tired to try alleviate my symptoms and feelings. 


Perhaps I will tell my therapist next week that I'm not in a good place and I need to perhaps just try talk about one or two things in session. Slow it down a bit.  


You're welcome for the heartfelt words and glad you had a good day yesterday. 

Re: Lower than the rock bottom

@Powderfinger wrote:

The fog is lifting slowly, I'm very distressed. I'm titillating in my moods. Sometimes deep despair and hopelessness. Pain beyond my capacity cope. Too tired to try alleviate my symptoms and feelings. 

I'm very sorry to hear you're so distressed and feeling unbearable pain. 😞


I think it's a good idea to try to slow down the therapy to a pace you can cope with.


Sitting with you in your pain... @Powderfinger 

Re: Lower than the rock bottom

@NatureLover it is nice to have someone sit with me. Honestly, I just want some time to cry. It comes and goes. I really don't have the capacity to help anyone right now. I'm having difficulties with my partner. 


We are meant to be working together( business) she is going off on her own path, which is fine but there is no discussion. I don't have any energy to bring it up. It's putting extra stress on me. I just don't have energy. This is one of the most biggest things happening in my life to date with my career. I worked hard for it. 


I don't know what to do. 

Re: Lower than the rock bottom

@Powderfinger wrote:

@NatureLover it is nice to have someone sit with me. Honestly, I just want some time to cry. It comes and goes. I really don't have the capacity to help anyone right now. I'm having difficulties with my partner. 

@Powderfinger , you really don't have to help anyone else, you have enough on your plate already, I reckon. I hope you do get some time to cry, if that's what you need. 



@Powderfinger wrote:

It's putting extra stress on me. I just don't have energy. This is one of the most biggest things happening in my life to date with my career. I worked hard for it. 


I don't know what to do. 

I understand not having any energy... I have no advice, but I hope the answer(s) will come to you clearly so that you know what to do. Also that there will be a solution that's not so stressful for you...


Thinking of you...

Re: Lower than the rock bottom



I won't be helping anyone else. Any little bit of energy I have is going interest me. It may cost my relationship. I am not able to stop that. 


A solution to my issues will come. It may not be one I wanted but I will have to accept it. 


Thanks for reaching out. 

Re: Lower than the rock bottom

@Powderfinger  Listening. Sending 💕💕 I have no words, but want you to know I’m caring.

Re: Lower than the rock bottom

@Maggie 👍