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Re: I miss my children


Every time I have hopes the my children will talk to me one day . Someone will say you can hope but it might not happen that makes me upset and mad cause as long as I have that hope it helps me to get on with my life 

I miss my children


Hi how are you? I'm thinking to much 

Re: I miss my children

Hi @Leeanne1  Try not to get trapped into thinking too much as it will lead you down a rabbit hole. Simply come back to the present moment by following your breath in and out of your nose. I like to silently repeat “present moment only moment “ to keep me focused and get back on track. And try to keep your hands busy with something also, I find that helps. 🙏

Re: I miss my children


I'll give it ago I crochet alot at the moment I'm crocheting baby clothes I'm having so much fun 

I miss my children

I try so hard not to think to much but I miss my grandchildren dearly they are 6,5,and 3 now I wish I could see them but the parents have spoken to me 😭😭😭😭😭☹️☹️

I'm very upset


Re: I'm very upset

Hi @Leeanne1
Sitting with you 💖
How are you going?

fluffylight x

Re: I'm very upset

Not good 

Re: I'm very upset

Whats been on your mind? 💖 @Leeanne1

Re: I'm very upset


No one cares about me my children don't talk my husband don't talk now my boyfriend hates me 😭😭

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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