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Re: I can’t cope

Obviously not @tyme. I thought so but I guess he isn’t 1yet. Hopefully this is his last spurt. He is taller than Pix by a couple of centimetres. 

It was so good to come home to an Amazing house!


I just climbed into my comfy cosy bed with 2 happy dogs. No more plastic. I can’t really complain. The beds were ok. I hate sleeping in pj’s so now I’m comfortable as no one is watching me. 

It really is a good place. I got so many hugs from people today. Facilitators, Pdoc, patients, nurses and the cleaner. 

Those photos are so cute. She looks like a sweet little girl. 

Re: I can’t cope

You've warmed my hear tonight @Captain24 


Hugs to you from my side too!

Re: I can’t cope

Apparently I’m ’likeable and engaging’ that’s what my pdoc wrote in my strengths mirror @tyme. I just need to stick those post it’s up on my mirror here. I need to learn to see myself a different light. I can talk to my inner child now though. 

Re: I can’t cope

Your dog is cute @tyme

Re: I can’t cope

Good on you @Captain24 . I agree, tbh lol.


Anyway, I'm wrapping up now. Catch you tomorrow! 

Re: I can’t cope

LOL @ArraDreaming . She's very playful. 


We are going away on Monday so someone else will look after her. Hence she needed the groom before going away.


Anway, I'm heading off now.


Have a good rest. Will speak tomorrow.

Re: I can’t cope

I’m struggling a little today. When I got up all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I know that’s not helpful and I was told my bed was for sleeping only and at night only.


I got up and made my bed and did 2 loads of washing. Now I have to find a way to go and get my car from the windscreen place. Mum and dad are away. 

Im going to go and buy a book to have in the good lounge room. That way my safe place is ready to go when I need to change rooms. I should probably get use to being in there. I never use that room. 

I’ve set up a Lego to do and for my diamond art out. This is my self care projects. I have been doing some this morning. 

Im not suppose to turn the tv on until later in the day but I think after lunch I will. I need to catch up on 5 weeks of home and away and neighbours. 

I hope with all this in place my days might get better. I can only hope. All I wanted to do is get home to my dogs and my own space. Now I’m not sure that I was ready. I already have SI happening. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 


Good on you for starting with this new routine, it's not an easy thing to do. It sounds like you're doing some really good things to set your self up for success already, by making sure your self-care projects are already there ready to go.


It is understandable that being home would bring up some uncertainty, it's a big shift! I would say try to be gentle with yourself and know that it's okay to not feel 'cured' after coming out. Struggling a bit today doesn't negate any of the big steps forward you've made in the past few weeks. 


Do you have your safety plan if your SI begins to increase? 

Re: I can’t cope

I’m going to try @Ru-bee


Im currently sitting on the lounge just crying. I need to pull myself together. 

I thought I’d come out a bit better than I am. But I am disappointed with how I feel. 

I’ve updated my Safety plan with my new psych. I’ve been looking at daily. 

Re: I can’t cope

Sending lots of love @Captain24 I am on a road trip at present and currently several hours from home.


I hope your day improves 🩵